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Guns Germs And Steel
Based on the Pulitzer Prize-winning book and national best seller, Guns, Germs, and Steel is an epic detective story that offers a gripping expose on why the world is so unequal. Professor Jared Diamond traveled the globe for over 30 years trying to answer the biggest question of world history. Why is the world so unequal? The answers he found were simple yet extraordinary. Our destiny depends on geography and access to: Guns, Germs, and Steel. Weaving together anthropology and science with epic historical reenactments, Guns, Germs, and Steel brings Diamond's fascinating theories to life, and moves beyond the book to bring his ideas into the present day.
Guns Germs And Steel
Production: National Geographic
Duration: 54:00 min (each episode)
Subtitles: Greek Built
Language: English
Episode 1: Out Of Eden
Episode 2: Conquest
Episode 3: Into the Tropics
Guns Germs And Steel | Documentary Series
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