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White Collar Gangsters | Documentary Series

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White Collar Gangsters | Watch free online Documentary Series
White Collar Gangsters
Discover the stories of con men who fooled the system.
Jordan Belfort (the Wolf of Wall Street), Kim Dotcom (the founder of Megaupload), Wolfgang Beltracchi, Arjan Roskam – do these names sound familiar? In fact, they all have something in common. They have each, in turn, made front-page news because they turned to crime. These people are exceptionally talented, but also have huge egos and have conned millions of victims by flirting with the limits of the law to create their empires.
Discover the extraordinary machinations of the Wolf of Wall Street; the founder of Megaupload, accused of embezzling more than $500 million from American film and music producers; the Grand Cru Swindler, who defrauded the global wine market for almost 10 years; and the Art Forger, whose talented brush strokes tricked the world’s most respected art experts.
In this series, we discover the incredible stories of these next-generation criminals. Through some private footage, witness testimonies from those close to them, FBI agents, judges, victims, and sometimes even the criminals themselves, we will follow the unusual criminal careers of these genius swindlers whose reality is often stranger than fiction.

 White Collar Gangsters
 Production: ZED
 Duration: 55:00 min (each episode)
 Subtitles: Greek Built
 Language: English

Episode 1: Jordan Belfort, The Wolf of Wall Street

Episode 2: Kim Dotcom, The Mega Pirate

Episode 3: Wolfgang Beltracchi, The Prince of Forgers

Episode 4: Arjan Roskam, The King of Cannabis

Episode 5: Rudy Kurniawan, The Fine Wine Fraudster

Episode 6: Margareth Mcdonald, The Businesswoman of Sex

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