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Dinosaurs Giants of Patagonia | HD Documentary

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Dinosaurs Giants of Patagonia | Watch online HD Documentary
Dinosaurs Giants of Patagonia
Since the discovery of the very first fossil, dinosaurs have captured the imagination of historians both young and old. They are the planet's greatest mystery. How is it that these enormous, majestic beasts could have simply disappeared from the surface of the planet? In this release, amateur paleontologists are invited to take a 3-D voyage into the prehistoric world as the foremost scientists and researchers on the era explore the greatest paleontological discoveries made by man in addition to offering groundbreaking computer-generated footage of such dinosaurs as the Giganotosaurus and Argentinosaurus.

 Dinosaurs Giants of Patagonia
 Production: IMAX
 Duration: 40:00 min
 Subtitles: English, Greek, Finnish
 Language: English

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